Best Deals
on Office Space in Budapest

I know all the buildings. I know all the tenants. I track the deals and understand the building owners.

I use this to get you the best deal possible today!

We understand business

I’ve run companies, served on boards, had P&L responsibility and juggled cashflow, hired great people and fired some too.

Office space is like a car - something you probably need and something that shows your values.

But leasing office space is a hassle. It takes too long. Pricing is as unclear as a Turkish bazaar. And the contract is unfair to the tenant.

We cut through all this to reduce your time investment by 50-75%. So you can run your business and make money!

Psst - owners don’t like me very much

I introduced the 9 EUR rent in 2009.

When the Great Financial Crisis hit, there was too much office space under construction and nobody was moving. I set a direction and the market moved quickly.

This time the market has moved slowly. Companies have too much office space, but there is no crisis - so it has come back to the market slowly.

We are now at the tipping point, where owners lose hope and begin to fight. There are some great deals out there - if you know where to look!

Let me show you where they are!